28 Kasım 2007 Çarşamba

Patent Tescil

Patent Tescil

Buluşun Patent Tescili ile korunabilmesi için taşıması gereken nitelikler nelerdir?

a)Yenilik: Tekniğin bilinen durumuna dahil olmayan buluş yenidir. Tekniğin bilinen durumu; patent başvurusunun yapıldığı tarihten önce, buluş konusunda dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde toplumca erişilebilir yazılı veya sözlü tanıtım, kullanım veya bir başka yolla açıklanan bilgilerden oluşur.

b)Tekniğin bilinen durumunun aşılması: Buluş, ilgili olduğu teknik alandaki bir uzman tarafından, tekniğin bilinen durumundan aşikar bir şekilde çıkarılamayan bir faaliyet sonucu gerçekleşmiş ise, tekniğin bilinen durumunun aşıldığı kabul edilir.

c)Sanayiye Uygulanabilir Olma:Buluş, tarım dahil sanayiinin herhangi bir dalında üretilebilir veya kullanılabilir nitelikte ise, sanayiye uygulanabilirolduğu kabul edilir.

Patent document onile patent

Patent document onile patent
Patent documents as sources of technical information Each year, more than one million patent documents are published, based on around half a million inventions. Investigations have shown that only a small proportion of inventions are described in other sources in addition to their appearance in the patent literature. This is why patent information is such an indispensable means of acquiring knowledge on the state of the art, and why it is so important for innovation processes. Unfortunately, the double nature of a patent document (i.e. the fact that it is both a technical document and a legal document) is frequently perceived as hindering the accessibility of its contents.

Patent Search Information Center

Patent Search Information Center
US Patent search tools are provided below, along with an easy to follow process that allows inventors to see if their invention has already been invented (search for prior art) or already in the marketplace. The process also allows inventors learn from previous inventions and make theirs better, as well as to sometimes discover alternative markets they may not have previously considered. Some general information about patents and the patenting process is also provided. It begins to prepare the inventor for licensing an invention or successfully marketing an invention which we cover on our Invention Commercialization: Marketing an Invention page.

Online Patent Guide Sites - Patent

Patent Search Procedure
We normally search to determine uniqueness, identify potential additional features for the product, identify additional potential uses for a product, or to identify potential solutions for a design or safety problem. After trial and error, we have settled into the procedure below. It will meet the needs of most patent searchers.Whether you search online (in any site), on a CD-ROM database or in person at a Depository Library or at the U.S. Patent Office itself, the same procedure is followed. Below is a very brief description of our U.S. patent search procedure.Each site/database has its own version(s) of the tools, different means for accessing images, stores patents back to different dates, stores different degrees of patent information (bibliography only, abstracts, full text, images in different formats or not at all), some due not update class/subclass changes, all have different search tools for searching for multiple words, by class/subclass, inventor, assignee, patent number, etc. The sites sometimes down or very slow. We usually find it faster to use them in the middle of the night. Most well known patent databases are continually changing and changing their interfaces. You just need to (1) Remember the procedure (2) Find the tools needed to conduct the procedure, (3) Make sure the database meets your needs, (4) Follow the procedure.The links to the tools below refer to the U.S. Patent & Trademark site. The same tools can be found on most major patent search sites or found on independent sites and then applied on the major sites. Make sure you are using current tools, they are continuously being updated